October 22, 2006,

Hello again, I must say that I am now starting to get caught up on my commissions. I am only about a month behind now.

As for my next show, I will be doing one in May in Calgary at Websters.

The article I mentioned that was coming out in Magazin'Art should be hitting the news-stands in a couple of days so check it out.

September 7 2006,

As we head into fall I find myself very busy with commissioned works. It feels great to be so busy. However this will probably put plans for a show in Calgary later this year temorarily on hold...stay tuned.

I had a great interview for an article in MagazinArt, a French and English art magazine. The article should be published sometime in late September or early October.

August 30 2006,

I felt it was time to finally update this page I have been a little lax in my upkeep. I hope you all had a great summer. I have been painting as much as possible these days and have ended up with quite a bit of commission work. In July I completed my second largest piece ever...107" x 54". If you would like to take a peak at it it is on my Feature page.

The show I had in Calgary in June also went extremely well and mostly sold out. I will be looking forward to a show again in Calgary in late October or November.

January 19, 05

Here it 2005 already! Happy New Year to you all. My work is currently going through an evolution. As you may notice my brush stroke has softened a little but my linework and the flow and style are remaining very much in the "Randy" style. I feel that by being a little more subtle with my brush I can give even more life to the landscape I love so much. Stay tuned for more developments.

As of last November 30(2004) I have taken my work back from Rima Fine Art in Scottsdale. I am currently exploring new opportunities in the US.

As well, over the next few months you will probably see a little more in the way of people featured in my landscapes.